Comprehensive Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Therapy

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Comprehensive Integrated Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine Therapy

Looking at Taiwan’s advanced medical technology and mature Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine projects, integration has the advantage of developing a combination of Chinese and Western medicine.
Deputy Director of Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital said, in the past two years, following the integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine outpatient clinic, the emergency integrated traditional Chinese and western medicine medical treatment, and the combined traditional Chinese and western medicine ward, until today’s Chinese medicine ward was opened, it is the hope that patients can receive appropriate medical treatment in a timely manner. Now people can evaluate through Chinese medicine clinics, the outpatient Chinese physician recommends whether to be admitted to hospital, after hospitalization, western doctors in related departments will cooperate to make treatment plans for the patients.

Whether it is acute or chronic disease, both Chinese and Western medicine can be used in combination therapy, with a combination of Chinese and Western medicine, while achieving curative effect, it also reduces the possible side effects of traditional treatments. Through the cooperation between Tzu Chi Hospital and the National Institute of Chinese Medicine, build a medical platform, exchange the research results of both parties, accelerate the accumulation of cases, integrate the advantages of Chinese and Western medicine, help more patients in need get back to health.